Phyto Performance Italia Srl

Via E.Fermi, 9 - 35030 Veggiano (Padova)
Europe ยท Italy
  • sport first aid equipment, wellness sport equipments, sport oils and creams, sport plasters and bandages, sport protectors and guardians
  • 1981
  • +39.049.9001919
  • +39.049.9002668
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Phyto Performance Italia Srl is an italian manufacturing company which dedicates its production to first aid equipment as well as to the wellness of professional and amateur athletes and sportspeople.


Phyto Performance Italia is highly valued and recognized everywhere for its quality and professionalism and our products are available from the best sport shops all over Italy as well as from pharmacies, sanitary shops and in more than 50 foreign countries.

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Location: Europe, Italy

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