Marchioro SpA

Via Croce, 60 - 36033 Castelnovo Isola Vicentina (Vicenza)
Europe · Italy
  • pet articles, plastic articles, metal accessories, dogs, cats, car carriers, house, bed, rounded pots & bowls, square pots, flower boxes, boxes for balcony
  • 1957
  • +39.0444.901700
  • +39.0444.901710
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The company must be considered a pionier in the field of injection moulding. The product range varies from a full line for both pet industry as well as the garden industry, with over 2,000 items which are all developed and produced internally.


The company exports more than 80% of the products to over 60 countries all over the world.
For the distribution, they collaborate with 50 agents as well as with primary specialized distributors.

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Location: Europe, Italy

Contact Marchioro SpA

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